On-a-whim Bouquet


Flowers make a great gift for any occasion! Your friends, family, or sweetheart will love receiving this farm-fresh bouquet featuring the flowers that are in season at the farm. Our lovely On-a-whim Bouquet is a medium-size bouquet of seasonal flowers and greens, wrapped and ready for your vase. Vases available on request, prices vary.

One day advance noticed needed. Pick up at the farm or or purchase our local delivery option (a $15 add on).



Flowers make a great gift for any occasion! Your friends, family, or sweetheart will love receiving this farm-fresh bouquet featuring the flowers that are in season at the farm. Our lovely On-a-whim Bouquet is a medium-size bouquet of seasonal flowers and greens, wrapped and ready for your vase. Vases available on request, prices vary.

One day advance noticed needed. Pick up at the farm or or purchase our local delivery option (a $15 add on).